What are the disadvantages of a Chromebook laptop?

What are the advantages & disadvantages of Chromebooks

Storage Capacity: Chromebooks usually don't have a lot of storage space built in. They tell people to store their files in the cloud, but some people might need more local storage for some chores. Support for tools: Chromebooks might not work with all external devices or tools that work well with other OSes.Nov 20, 2023
Source : https://blog.edupassport.io/2023/11/what-are-the-advantages-disadvantages-of-chromebooks/

Is it worth upgrading a 10 year old computer?

How often do you really need to upgrade your PC? - TechRadar

If you're still using hardware like that it's time to get rid of it. While the 'two-year rule' might be a tangible metric used by many tech enthusiasts, I prefer to abide by the 'ten-year rule' - if any part of your computer is more than a decade old, it's time to replace it.Jan 13, 2023
Source : https://www.techradar.com/features/how-often-do-you-really-need-to-upgrade-your-pc

Which is easier to use Chromebook or laptop?

Chromebook vs Windows Laptops: Advantages of Using a ... - Lenovo

Ease of use: Chromebooks are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making them a great option for those who are new to computers or prefer a simpler interface.
Source : https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/glossary/chromebook-vs-windows-laptops/

Are Dell laptops more reliable than HP?

Dell vs HP Laptops: Who's Doing It Better? [2023] - YouTube

Source : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dFWtdOFcJfc

Is 64GB RAM slower than 32GB RAM?

64GB RAM Is Slower Than 32GB, Here's Why! #gamingpc ... - TikTok

And on top of that, whilst 32 gig DDR. five RAM can get over 7,000 megahertz of speed, the 64 gig is stuck about 6,000 megahertz. So whilst the extra capacity gave you no benefits, you actually lost performance. due to the decrease in speed.Jun 22, 2023
Source : https://www.tiktok.com/@cataclysmcomputers/video/7247425395199347969

Is Dell or HP better?

Dell vs HP: Which laptop brand is right for you? - Mashable

Dell is widely regarded for having great customer service, but HP is slightly more hit-and-miss. Often, your customer support experience can depend on where you're located, but Dell seems to be the fan-favorite brand among most online users for laptop customer service.Jan 23, 2024
Source : https://mashable.com/article/dell-vs-hp